A (small) room for all occasions

I glumly posted some time ago about giving up on Youth Hostel accommodation. I felt more and more uncomfortable as a single 50+ traveler, appearing as if my T-shirt slogan was “Uncle Tony the chaperone”. Small rooms, too many hip young things, too much talk of sustainable tourism. And I am not in to cooking my own food on holiday, or living on cups of noodles.

Cameron at K's House Hiroshima

where did I leave my shoes? K’s House Hiroshima

With 3 more trips under my belt to Japan, I think I was a bit harsh on myself. This is what I posted last time – uninspiring.

But I and my fellow travelers have since experienced great comfortable and social youth hostels that welcome old folks like us. Sure, squeezing 3 big Australian boys into a room about the size of a phone box can be a slight challenge. And sleeping upright is supposed to be good for you.

K's House Ito Onsen

K’s House Ito Onsen

But this is well made up for by being able to sit in the common areas sharing stories with fellow weary travelers, chowing down on sushi bought from the basement food hall of the nearest department store, and sipping on those all too convenient vending machine beers.

Have have to say a few good words about the K’s House group of hostels, having now stayed at Kuramae (Tokyo), Ito, Kyoto and Hiroshima. Well located, extremely popular, friendly staff. And as you can see, the hostel at Ito Onsen is something special, and only 2 hours from Tokyo.

About Tony Jarrett

Taking regular visitors routes but more often just where the trains or buses go. Japan leads the way.
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11 Responses to A (small) room for all occasions

  1. embracethecontradictions says:

    Hey Tony, I’m 31 and even I feel like I’m too old in some of the places I’ve backpacked around in SE Asia! I found Japanese accommodation to be spotless, comfortable and most of all, even the ‘youth’ hostels were not the typical thing we know as youth hostels in other parts of the world.


  2. Nyasha says:

    What a lovely place!

    It’s been a while I posted on your blog. So sorry for my absence!
    I wanted to let you know my blog had changed url to http://nynyonline.co.uk and if you plan to follow it still, click the follow button on the bottom right πŸ™‚ I have two articles for you to look at when you have the time.


  3. tokyohamster says:

    That hostel looks so nice and clean! It looks more like a ryokan than what I imagine when I think of a hostel. Great idea because hotels can get quite expensive in Japan!


    • TonyJ2 says:

      Our high Australian dollar has made travel to Japan cheaper in recent times.

      The Japan ‘business hotel’ is roughly $A70. A similar type of hotel here in Australia would cost $130 a night.

      One reason why Australians travel overseas a lot!


  4. Mchan says:

    funny! I feel a bit the same sometimes and I’m not even in my 50s.. I miss the old Uno House where people used to talk and go to all night karaoke, now people have their heads in their iphone and don’t talk or talk to friends at home which makes me wonder why they’re even traveling. I tried Khaosan Kyoto the location was perfect but sharing a room with 2 21 y old Australian blokes who left the AC on 17Β° (I’m in Celsius) all day long even when they were out was hard.


  5. Mustang.Koji says:

    LOL… “those vending machine beers”! How I miss those. I helped myself quite often…and I was 18. πŸ™‚


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